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Noko means “(African crested) porcupine” in Tswana, one of South Africa’s 11 official languages. Noko is a playful character with a mischievous spirit! He is confident in himself, inquisitive by nature, and eagerly explores the world around him. Noko is a Knight, as he is not only a strong leader and brave in tricky situations but is quick to find solutions, protect those around him and values diversity and inclusivity. Noko is also not afraid to admit when he is wrong and welcomes his friends’ input.

Noko proudly lives up to his personal mission: YES, I am a Knight! I CHOOSE to do what’s RIGHT!, a slogan already chanted in school classrooms nationwide as part of Noko Busts Bullying! – our unique & impactful bullying prevention & wholesome Social Emotional Literacy programmes.  

Who is Noko?

Meet Noko, and find out why he is passionate about bullying prevention.

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Hi! I'm Noko,
and I am here
to help you with those



we all get


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Theatre in Education (TIE)

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10 000+ Children's lives enriched by the message of
 Noko The Knight®!

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Partnering with Noko The Knight®, the National Children's Theatre plays a powerful and pivotal role in helping reduce the incidence of bullying at Primary schools in South Africa through their exhilarating production called NOKO GOES TO SCHOOL.

Contrary to rote education, TIE presents a different approach, encouraging discussions, contributions and creativity through live performances. Young audiences with different learning styles will have an immersive experience that activates all five senses!

NOKO GOES TO SCHOOL offers a unique opportunity for children to explore complex topics such as their budding emotions, bullying, boundaries, problem-solving, forgiveness, healthy relationships, and cultural appreciation in an encouraging setting. This experience will intrinsically motivate children to be good global citizens and leave a lasting impression for years to come.

Together, we can fulfil Noko The Knight’s mission:
to embed a culture of compassion far and wide.

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Wonderful book and presentation for young kids to learn about kindness
and respect. Kids were attentive and remembered
a lot from this presentation.

 - Maureen Donohue

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Sometimes just lecturing our children isn’t enough to teach character traits - children learn some of life’s most important lessons through storytelling. Eleni Theodorou’s story of Noko the porcupine knight, along with her visuals of a porcupine spike and feather bring to lift the impact of our words and actions. Parents and teachers alike will find this helpful.
 - Ariadne





As a teacher, a library media specialist, and a parent myself, I can’t say enough about how truly impressed I was with your presentation to our students. I am thrilled that the Jersey Public Schools has brought you on board to employ these interactive lessons that teach students to feel empowered and to be compassionate and kind to each other.
 - Nadene Bracken, Library Media Specialist

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